Морфология микроорганизмов
Физиология микроорганизмов
Морфология и физиология грибов
Неживые участники регуляции жизни
Генетика микроорганизмов
Экология микроорганизмов. Микробиота человека
Микробиота полости рта
Противомикробные препараты
Патогенность и вирулентность
Повреждающее действие факторов иммунной системы
Принципы диагностики инфекционных заболеваний
Аэробные бактерии – возбудители гнойно-воспалительных заболеваний и раневых инфекций
Анаэробные бактерии – возбудители гнойно-воспалительных заболеваний и раневых инфекций
Возбудители кариеса, заболеваний эндодонта и пародонта
Возбудители бактериальных респираторных инфекций
Возбудители кишечных инфекций
Возбудители урогенитальных инфекций
Возбудители микозов
Возбудители зооантропонозов
Возбудители трансмиссивных инфекций
Особенности диагностики вирусных инфекций
Вирусы, возбудители заболеваний человека
The Role of Cytoskeletal Elements in Shaping Bacterial Cells
Staying in Shape: the Impact of Cell Shape on Bacterial Survival in Diverse Environments
The scanning electron microscope in microbiology and diagnosis of infectious disease
Bacterial spore structures and their protective role in biocide resistance
Structure, Assembly, and Function of Flagella Responsible for Bacterial Locomotion
The enigmatic biology of rickettsiae: recent advances, open questions and outlook
Molecular mechanisms for the evolution of bacterial morphologies and growth modes
The Bacterial Cytoskeleton - An Intermediate Filament-Like Function in Cell Shape
The biofilm life cycle– expanding the conceptual model of biofilm formation
A complex human gut microbiome cultured in an anaerobic intestine-on-a-chip
Contact-independent killing mediated by a T6SS effector with intrinsic cell-entry properties
Role of efflux pumps in the antibiotic resistance of bacteria embedded in a biofilm
Structure and dynamics of a mycobacterial type VII secretion system
Targeted isolation and cultivation of uncultivated bacteria by reverse genomics
The evolution of tit-for-tat in bacteria via the type VI secretion system
The new microbiology- cultivating the future of microbiome-directed medicine
The twin-arginine translocation (Tat) protein export pathway
The Type IX Secretion System (T9SS)- Highlights and Recent Insights into Its Structure and Function
Toxin-antitoxin systems in bacterial growth arrest and persistence
The role of the essential GTPase ObgE in regulating lipopolysaccharide synthesis in Escherichia coli
Spatially structured exchange of metabolites enhances bacterial survival and resilience in biofilms
Pathogens and polymers: Microbe–host interactions illuminate the cytoskeleton
Determining the rate-limiting processes for cell division in Escherichia coli
Acinetobacter-микробиологические, патогенетические и резистентные свойства
Antibiotic resistance and virulence factors in lactobacilli- something to carefully consider
Bacteriological, Clinical and Virulence Aspects of Aeromonas-associated Diseases in Humans
Group B Streptococcus- Virulence Factors and Pathogenic Mechanism
Kingella kingae Virulence Factors and Insights into Pathogenicity
Molecular armory or niche factors- virulence determinants of Corynebacterium species
Overview of Proteus mirabilis pathogenicity and virulence. Insights into the role of metals
Pathogenicity of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae- virulence factors and protective immunity
Phenotypic and Genotypic Characteristics of Members of the Genus Streptobacillus
Polymicrobial infections with specific Actinomyces and related organisms, using the current taxonomy
Ralstonia solanacearum- An Arsenal of Virulence Strategies and Prospects for Resistance
Salmonella – the ultimate insider. Salmonella virulence factors that modulate intracellular survival
The Bacillus cereus Group- Bacillus Species with Pathogenic Potential
Cardiobacterium hominis infective endocarditis: A literature review
The Genome of a Pathogenic Rhodococcus- Cooptive Virulence Underpinned by Key Gene Acquisitions
Virulence Factors and Antibiotic Resistance of Enterobacterales
Virulence Factors of Aeromonas hydrophila- In the Wake of Reclassification
Virulence mechanisms of Moraxella in the pathogenesis of infection
Bifidobacterium mechanisms of immune modulation and tolerance
Clostridial neurotoxins- from the cellular and molecular mode of action to their therapeutic use
Gram-positive anaerobic cocci – commensals and opportunistic pathogens
Lethal factor of Clostridium histolyticum kills cells by apoptosis
The Bacteroides fragilis pathogenicity island links virulence and strain competition
To resist and persist- Important factors in the pathogenesis of Bacteroides fragilis
Unveiling the pathogenic mechanisms of Clostridium perfringens toxins and virulence factors
Prevotella: An insight into its characteristics and associated virulence factors
Pathogenesis of Important Virulence Factors of Porphyromonas gingivalis via Toll-Like Receptors
Eubacterium bacteremia – a retrospective observational study of a seldom found anaerobic pathogen
Clinical and Microbiological Characteristics of Eggerthella lenta Bacteremia